Circuit: School and Workshop
Period: 2017
Companies: Finep
Mechanism: Rouanet Cultural Incentive Act
Municipalities: 02
Schools benefitted: 02
Workshops held: 02
Shorts produced: 04
Students benefitted: 58
School audience: 1,066
About the project
Eager to foster a better understanding of the role played by FINEP (Studies and Projects Financing Agency) in the development of Science and Technology through innovation, the Cinema em Movimento – Circuito FINEP (Movies in Movement – FINEP Circuit) provided public school students with classes on the basic principles of audiovisual narratives (scripts and direction), as well as shooting and recording techniques, using digital equipment (cameras and recorders), and basic information for editing film and soundtracks. This project organized two film creation workshops, with each group producing two shorts, for a total of four films.