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meu rio vale um filme



Circuit: Workshops

Period: 2015

Companies: CCR and Naves do Conhecimento

Mechanism: Rouanet Cultural Incentive Act

States: 01

Municipalities: 01
Communities assisted: 08

Workshops held: 08
Shorts produced: 32

Public benefitted: 200

About the project


The Meu Rio Vale Um Filme – 450 Anos (My Rio is Worth a Movie – 450 Years) project celebrated the 450th anniversary of the founding of the City of Rio de Janeiro, through a partnership with the Special Science and Technology Bureau, with sponsorship from the CCR urban mobility company. Eight audiovisual workshops were held from January through March 2015, free of charge and open to all, held in the Naves do Conhecimento (Knowledge Vessels) in the following communities: Nova Brasília (Complex do Alemão), Padre Miguel, Irajá, Madureira, Santa Cruz, Vila Aliança (Bangu), Penha and Triagem. At the end of the workshops, the participating students produced 32 videos reflecting and illustrating the reality of their local communities and their cultural expressions.

© 2021 by MPC Filmes.

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